Master Plants, Sacred Teachers

Ayahuasca works like a general doctor, a diagnostics tool revealing an inner state and suggesting a treatment. Therefore, the issue of a ceremony will generally be the recommendation of a Master Plant, that works as a specialist for different kinds of problems. It is like being told by the general practitioner to go to the cardiologist or neurologist. Therefore, some plants will work on traumas, fear, anger, anxiety, spiritual issues, decision making capabilities, heart memory, etc., while also addressing a physical  state of well being. 


We use a number of Master Plants and local plants, depending on the retreat, length of your stay and experience in diets . We believe that learning about yourself is the best way to become better at whatever you do. Our type of sessions imply a willingness to work on yourself to be able to get results. This is a lifelong process.

Sometimes two plants will be suggested for longer stays and to allow stronger plants to have the support or balancing effect of a second partner. Some plants work very well as a team, others should never be mixed.

Plants are thus always chosen by the Shamans. They have dieted these plants and know how they work, so they can introduce them to you. For this they need to prepare the house – you – , so you can become a host for these distinguished botanical guests and receive their teachings. The whole process happens in a specific setting and needs a guide to support you and work through your dreams and intuitions. The teachings are always unique for a specific individual but the Shaman knows, by experience, how the process is carried out and organises the ideal setting for the healing to take place.

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